Wednesday, October 05, 2005

e-Learning Dentistry: Good for the Filipino?

01. Computerization, Internet, Distance Education are present-day facts of life to the Filipino Counterparts in the EU, USA, and other select countries. Unfortunately, I surmise no more than 10% of Filipino Dentists & Dental Technicians would have Computers in their respective WorkPlaces - and no more than 10% of those owning computers find use of the Internet in their work. Hence, how could (and when would) e-Learning become accessible to Filipinos wanting to keep pace with the rest of the World?
02. Sadly, e-Learning Modules (relative to ADA/NADL-certified Dental CE Courses) appear unavailable to Filipinos. Is the Private Sector (Philippine Dental Association - PDA) &/or the Public Sector (Professional Regulatory Commission - PRC) making any representation with their USA Counterparts? Would a Joint Private-Public Representation be ideal? If so, when & how would this come about?
To the Filipino Dentist: Going or Staying?

01. In search for better earnings, many educated skilled English-literate Filipinos have been leaving their beautiful tropical Native Land - the Philippines. This phenomenon has been on-going for many decades and has been true to many Filipino Dentists. As their respective licensed Practice of Dentistry in the Philippines do not earn them satisfactory income, many Filipino Dentists relocate to the USA by having themselves petitioned by their relatives &/or by applying for Work VISA as Caregivers, Nurses, and other Odd Jobs needed in America. Some travel to the USA on a Tourist's VISA and work illegally (during their temporary stay) as Dental Assistants &/or Dental Hygienists in the Private Clinics of their relatives and friends.

02. Nowadays, many Filipino Dentists (inclusive of those even apparently "doing well" in their Practice) return to formal schooling to take up and complete the NURSING Course - with the end in view of passing the CGFNS Exams to pre-qualify them to seek Nursing Employment in the USA. One Filipino Dentist-Couple well-known in their successful Practice tells me that the strength of the US Dollar versus the weak Philippine Peso was reason enough for them to study Nursing purposely to relocate their family in search for an even better future for their growing-up children.

03. Where is Love-for-Country? Who is to provide quality dental service to the Filipino People? Would Dental Care for the Urban & Rural Poor have to be dependent upon occasional far-between Dental Missions? Would strengthening the subject of Practice Management bring down the Failure Rate in the Practice of Dentistry in the Philippines? Would computerizing your Practice help?
Can the ELDERLY smile again?

01. YES. "Magnetic Dentures" has been used by discriminating Dentists as their non-surgical solution to Edentulous Cases found common among the Elderly. With the use of same-polarity magnets embedded at the base of the Posterior Pontics, a magnetic field is created in the Oral Cavity - thus, the Upper and Lower removable Denture Archs are kept in place by the opposing Magnetic Force.
02. Inasmuch as most Filipino Denturists seldom get to work on this kind of job, DentaManila Labworks has decided to specialize in the custom-manufacturing of soft-lined Magnetic Dentures.
03. Do you have a pending Edentulous Case?